First Aid Course for Employees of Cementownia Odra S.A.

First Aid Course for Employees of Cementownia Odra S.A.

From the life of the company

Safety is one of the priorities of Cementownia ODRA S.A.. An indispensable element of it is the theoretical knowledge and skills of employees in this area. Employees of Cementownia Odra participate in a first aid course, which prepares them to provide pre-medical assistance independently.

The classes conducted by rescuer Szczepan Iwanicki from the Water Rescue Department of OSP in Opole are attended by 70 cement plant employees. The training assumes 5 courses for 14-person groups. Dividing participants into teams of about a dozen people facilitates the optimization of practical exercises, makes instruction easier, and achieves the goal, which is the ability to provide assistance to victims in various situations.

The course covers many topics, including: cardiopulmonary resuscitation of adults and children, using a defibrillator, dealing with fractures, injuries, burns, fainting, in case of unconsciousness and bleeding. The training topics include actions in case of suspected heart attack and stroke, as well as providing assistance to people with diabetes. Rescue operations when choking occurs in children and adults are practiced on a special device.