ODRA Fishing Enthusiasts Association at ODRA Cement Plant S.A. in Opole

ODRA Fishing Enthusiasts Association at ODRA Cement Plant S.A. in Opole

From the life of the company

Among our employees, there are many fishing enthusiasts. Fishing enthusiasts at the beginning of July established the "ODRA" Fishing Enthusiasts Association at the ODRA Cement Plant. At the founding meeting, they elected the First Board of the Association, headed by Tomasz Turłowicz - President of the Board.

The Association aims to develop the water catchment area of the inactive limestone mine at Budowlanych Street along with the eastern coastal strip, gradually stocking the reservoir with fish and building fishing piers.

The fishermen declare that there will also be educational and preventive activities such as promoting recreational and sports fishing, popularizing the principles of fishing ethics, protecting rare and endangered plant and animal species, and combating poaching and other harmful actions in the aquatic environment. Our Association consists of people who not only love to fish but also save them!

Fishing is contact with nature, but also sporting emotions. The Association plans to organize cyclical internal float fishing competitions for the Cup of the President of the ODRA Cement Plant S.A. in Opole. The idea of the competitions will be: "EVERY FISH CAUGHT RETURNS TO THE WATER"!