Cement Plant ODRA S.A. supports hospitals in the fight against COVID-19

Cement Plant ODRA S.A. supports hospitals in the fight against COVID-19


The beginning of the year proved to be full of challenges for all of us. Each of us experiences significant restrictions in everyday life, and many of us continue to act to eliminate the danger associated with SARS-CoV-2 as soon as possible.

In response to the current requests and needs, Cement Plant ODRA S.A., together with its subsidiaries, decided to contribute to the fight against the ongoing epidemic by providing support in the total amount of 1,000,000.00 PLN for, among others:

1. Provincial Hospital in Opole
2. Independent Public Healthcare Institution of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs and Administration in Opole
3. University Clinical Hospital in Opole

Donations were made for the purchase of personal protective equipment for medical staff, apparatus, and equipment necessary to counteract and combat the threat associated with COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Cement Plant ODRA S.A., concerned about the safety of its employees, their families, and all the companies it cooperates with, decided to implement actions to minimize the risk of infection, primarily by equipping employees with personal protective equipment and introducing additional precautions while working on the premises. Thanks to the responsibility and discipline of our team, which follows all recommendations, it is possible to work ensuring the continuity of production.